外国人400人以上を国外追放 ロシア当局、襲撃後に取り締まり強化
Over 400 foreigners deported; Russian authorities tighten crackdown after attack
Over 400 foreigners deported; Russian authorities tighten crackdown after attack
In response to the attack on the outskirts of Moscow that killed 144 people, pressure on foreign labor migrants and migrant workers is increasing in Russia.
In response to the attack on the outskirts of Moscow that killed 144 people, pressure on foreign labor migrants and migrant workers is increasing in Russia.
People from Tajikistan in the former Soviet Union were arrested as perpetrators, and some were deported.
People from Tajikistan in the former Soviet Union were arrested as perpetrators, and some were deported.
It seems that the government, which failed to prevent the disaster, is trying to avoid being held responsible.
It seems that the government, which failed to prevent the disaster, is trying to avoid being held responsible.
On March 30th, the St. Petersburg city court decided to deport 418 foreigners.
On March 30th, the St. Petersburg city court decided to deport 418 foreigners.
48 people were sentenced to fines and ``voluntary deportation’’
48 people were sentenced to fines and ``voluntary deportation’’
It appears that illegal labor was discovered.
It appears that illegal labor was discovered.
According to Russian economic newspaper RBC, large-scale inspections were carried out on the city’s main roads, and more than 1,500 foreigners were questioned.
According to Russian economic newspaper RBC, large-scale inspections were carried out on the city’s main roads, and more than 1,500 foreigners were questioned.
Tajikistan’s deputy labor minister said migrant workers from the country were confused and many wanted to return home.
Tajikistan’s deputy labor minister said migrant workers from the country were confused and many wanted to return home.