Japanese newspaper
エリツィン氏娘婿しむすめむこビジネスパートナーが死亡しぼう エネルギー関連企業幹部かんれんきぎょうかんぶ8人目にんめ
2023-02-26 15:30:02
Anonymous 21:02 27/02/2023
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エリツィン氏娘婿しむすめむこビジネスパートナーが死亡しぼう エネルギー関連企業幹部かんれんきぎょうかんぶ8人目にんめ
label.tran_page Yeltsin’s son-in-law’s business partner dies Eighth energy-related company executive


label.tran_page Former Russian President Yeltsin’s son-in-law’s business partner found dead
label.tran_page He becomes the eighth energy-related executive to die.


label.tran_page According to Russian media, Mr. Yeltsin’s son-in-law’s business partner Mr. Robneiko was found unconscious at his home in the suburbs of Moscow on the 22nd and later died.


label.tran_page Rob Neyko founded an oil company in 2000 with Yeltsin’s son-in-law Dyachenko


label.tran_page In Russia, there have been a series of suspicious deaths of executives of energy-related companies such as Gazprom since immediately after the invasion of Ukraine, and Russian media reports that Robneiko is the eighth person to die.