Japanese newspaper
えい アストラゼネカのワクチンを世界せかいはつ承認しょうにん 期待きたいたかまる
12/31/2020 4:52:27 AM +09:00
熊本大平 02:12 31/12/2020
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えい アストラゼネカのワクチンを世界せかいはつ承認しょうにん 期待きたいたかまる
label.tran_page The vaccine by AstraZenneka from England has been initiatially recognized by people worldwide with high expectation.
label.tran_page According to English government, the English drug maker AstraZeneka has developed a vaccine for Covid-19 and this vaccine has been initially recognized by people worldwide.
label.tran_page In England, the infection of mutated virus is spreading rapidly, so people put high expection on this vaccine.