2024-09-06 12:00:00
Anonymous 18:09 08/09/2024
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blackBean 06:09 09/09/2024
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label.tran_page There are many false advertisements that say, “You can get paid by clicking “Like” on SNS”


label.tran_page There is an increasing number of people being deceived and having their money stolen by advertisements on SNS etc. that promise to earn money by doing simple things.
label.tran_page According to the National Consumer Affairs Center of Japan, there were 950 consultations regarding damage from April to July this year.
label.tran_page This is 1.3 times the same time last year.


label.tran_page A woman around 30 years old saw an advertisement on SNS that said ``A side job where you can earn money in 1 minute.’’
label.tran_page Money was transferred to the woman just by clicking ”Like”
label.tran_page The woman was tricked into thinking she needed the money to pay for it, and transferred a total of 200,000 yen to the other party.
label.tran_page A person who saw an ad that offered to simply watch a video on the Internet transferred about 400,000 yen after being told that the money would be returned later.


label.tran_page The National Consumer Affairs Center of Japan says, ``Advertisements that say you can easily get money may be a lie.’’
label.tran_page If you are asked to transfer money, please consult with us before making the transfer.’’