Japanese newspaper
2021-12-14 11:02:04
Anonymous 06:12 14/12/2021
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label.tran_page Singer Travis Scott to discontinue the production of his alcoholic beverage.


label.tran_page After the accidental deaths that occurred at the Astroworld Festival music concert that he hosted, rapper Travis Scott is halting the production and sales of CACTI, an alcoholic beverage he produced.


label.tran_page CACTI is a brand of alcoholic carbonated water that was sold by the major American beer giant Anheuser-Busch.
label.tran_page Scott announced his collaboration woth the company in December of last year.

同社どうしゃ報道担当者ほうどうたんとうしゃはCNN Businessへの声明せいめいで「慎重しんちょう検討けんとうした結果けっか生産せいさんとブランド開発かいはつ全面中止ぜんめんちゅうしめた」「この決断けつだんがブランドのファン理解りかいされ、尊重そんちょうされると確信かくしんしている」とべました

label.tran_page In a statement to CNN Business, the company’s press secretary said, ”After careful consideration, we decided to cancel production and development altogether...and we are confident that this decision will be understood and respected by customers of the brand.”
label.tran_page Any press releases related to Scott and CACTI have been removed from the company’s website.