家族の世話をする子ども 小学生について国が初めて調べる

The country is the first to find out about elementary school children who take care of their families

The country is the first to find out about elementary school children who take care of their families

Children who care for or care for their sick parents, grandfathers, grandmothers, and siblings are called ”young carers.”

Children who care for or care for their sick parents, grandfathers, grandmothers, and siblings are called ”young carers.”

When the country looked up junior high school students, there was one in 17 young carers.

When the country looked up junior high school students, there was one in 17 young carers.

I started taking care of my family when I was in elementary school at the age of 9.9 on average.

I started taking care of my family when I was in elementary school at the age of 9.9 on average.

For this reason, the country decided to find out about young carers in elementary school for the first time.

For this reason, the country decided to find out about young carers in elementary school for the first time.

Ask 350 elementary school sixth graders if they have a family to take care of

Ask 350 elementary school sixth graders if they have a family to take care of

Also ask if you will be absent from school for your family and if you have enough time to sleep.

Also ask if you will be absent from school for your family and if you have enough time to sleep.

The country will look from this month to March and think about what it takes to help young carers

The country will look from this month to March and think about what it takes to help young carers
家族の世話をする子ども 小学生について国が初めて調べる

Children who take care of their families: State begins investigation on elementary schoolers

Children who take care of their families: State begins investigation on elementary schoolers

Children who provide help or care for their sick parents, grandparents, and/or siblings are called ”Young Carers”.

Children who provide help or care for their sick parents, grandparents, and/or siblings are called ”Young Carers”.

The state held an investigation on Middle School students and found that 1 in every 17 students was a Young Carer.

The state held an investigation on Middle School students and found that 1 in every 17 students was a Young Carer.

It was found that the average age that these students started helping their families was 9.9 years, meaning most started in Elementary School.

It was found that the average age that these students started helping their families was 9.9 years, meaning most started in Elementary School.

Based on these results, the state has begun looking into Elementary Schools.

Based on these results, the state has begun looking into Elementary Schools.

The state has asked 350 Sixth Graders whether or not there is someone in their family that they provide care for.

The state has asked 350 Sixth Graders whether or not there is someone in their family that they provide care for.

They have also asked additional questions, such as whether or not they have taken days off from school for their family, and whether or not they get enough sleep.

They have also asked additional questions, such as whether or not they have taken days off from school for their family, and whether or not they get enough sleep.

The state will be investigating this until March in order to determine what is necessary to help Young Carers.

The state will be investigating this until March in order to determine what is necessary to help Young Carers.