Japanese newspaper
台風たいふう12ごう 日本海にほんかい温帯おんたいてい気圧きあつきた日本にっぽんなどかみなりともな大雨おおあめそれ
8/24/2021 12:06:17 PM +09:00
Anonymous 10:08 24/08/2021
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台風たいふう12ごう 日本海にほんかい温帯おんたいてい気圧きあつきた日本にっぽんなどかみなりともな大雨おおあめそれ
label.tran_page Typhoon No. 12 Risk of extratropical cyclone in the Sea of ​​Japan and heavy rain accompanied by lightning in northern Japan
label.tran_page Typhoon No. 12 changed to an extratropical cyclone in the Sea of ​​Japan on the morning of the 24th.
label.tran_page Due to the influence of low pressure and fronts, there is a risk of heavy rain from the night of the 24th to the 25th, mainly in northern Japan and Niigata prefecture, and the Japan Meteorological Agency is careful about sediment-related disasters, inundation of low land, and flooding of rivers. I’m calling to do