エジプト北部ザガジグで列車同士が正面衝突 子ども含む3人が死亡約30人がけが

Two trains collide head-on in Zagazig, northern Egypt; three people, including a child, are killed and about 30 injured

Two trains collide head-on in Zagazig, northern Egypt; three people, including a child, are killed and about 30 injured

Trains collide in northern Egypt, killing three people, including a child

Trains collide in northern Egypt, killing three people, including a child

Local authorities are investigating the cause of the accident

Local authorities are investigating the cause of the accident

Local Egyptian media reported that on the afternoon of the 14th, more than 30 ambulances were dispatched after two trains collided head-on in Zagazig, about 80 kilometers north of the capital Cairo.

Local Egyptian media reported that on the afternoon of the 14th, more than 30 ambulances were dispatched after two trains collided head-on in Zagazig, about 80 kilometers north of the capital Cairo.

At least three people, including a child, died in this accident, and about 30 people were injured and are receiving treatment at the hospital.

At least three people, including a child, died in this accident, and about 30 people were injured and are receiving treatment at the hospital.

So far, the detailed cause of the accident is unknown.

So far, the detailed cause of the accident is unknown.

Local authorities have ordered the establishment of a committee of experts to investigate the cause, and are proceeding with the removal of the accident vehicle using heavy machinery.

Local authorities have ordered the establishment of a committee of experts to investigate the cause, and are proceeding with the removal of the accident vehicle using heavy machinery.

In Egypt, a train derailed in 2021, killing and injuring more than 100 people.

In Egypt, a train derailed in 2021, killing and injuring more than 100 people.