米・ミネアポリス 銃撃事件が相次ぎ17人撃たれる

US-Minneapolis: 17 gun shooting incidents

US-Minneapolis: 17 gun shooting incidents

According to local police, 12 men were shot and 1 man died in the area lined with restaurants in Minneapolis, Minnesota in the early morning of 21st

According to local police, 12 men were shot and 1 man died in the area lined with restaurants in Minneapolis, Minnesota in the early morning of 21st

Two groups seemed to be shooting each other

Two groups seemed to be shooting each other

According to local media, five people were injured one after another at four other locations in the city from the night before to the dawn of the 21st.

According to local media, five people were injured one after another at four other locations in the city from the night before to the dawn of the 21st.

No criminals were caught in any of the shooting cases

No criminals were caught in any of the shooting cases

Last month in Minneapolis, a black man was arrested and killed by a white police officer, but the relationship with this shooting case is unknown

Last month in Minneapolis, a black man was arrested and killed by a white police officer, but the relationship with this shooting case is unknown