Japanese newspaper
中国ちゅうごくで3連休開始れんきゅうかいし連休中れんきゅうちゅう 鉄道てつどうやく2600万人移動まんにんいどう見通みとお
2020-06-28 15:02:04Z
Anonymous 22:06 28/06/2020
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中国ちゅうごくで3連休開始れんきゅうかいし連休中れんきゅうちゅう 鉄道てつどうやく2600万人移動まんにんいどう見通みとお
label.tran_page Start of 3 consecutive holidays in China, continuous holidays Expected to move about 26 million people by rail


label.tran_page  It was crowded with customers who came to see the boat race that will be held during the consecutive holidays of the ”Danno-Shun” that started on the 25th.
label.tran_page Some people even don’t wear masks

label.tran_page Amid a large number of people moving due to traffic congestion on highways, a railway operator in China announced that approximately 26 million people would move by rail between 24th and 27th before the end of the day.