Hey do you remember? I can smell the same scentTIME GOES BY 季節と同じ匂いさ
Time goes by, as I did in the season when we first metまるで君は光のように
You're just like a lightYOU'RE MY JEWEL 僕に微笑みかけてた
You're my jewel, the one who gives me a smileふざけたり 時には喧嘩もした
We fooled around and sometimes we even fought愛が何かも わからないで
Not even knowing what love wasYES DO YOU REMEMBER? やっと気づいた
Yes do you remember? I’ve finally realizedJEWEL IN MY HEART 君に向かうこの気持ち
Jewel in my heart, what it is I feel for youどんなふうに見つめたなら 伝えられるだろう
What look would have told you?その笑顔を 幾つも知りたくて
I want to see all your smiles迷いながら 結びながら 時を越えて DREAMS COME TRUE
Of confusion and endings, dreams come trueいつの日にも 君は永久の輝き
You shine endlessly, whatever the dayNO I CAN'T FORGET YOU かけがえのない
No I can't forget you, nobody can replace youDEAR MY JEWEL 友達や家族みたい
Dear my jewel, you were like my friend, my family寒い朝寄せ合う 白い息が
I believe in the love our white breaths showed伝える想い 信じていて
as we nestled up together on cold morningsSO I CAN'T FORGET YOU 不思議なくらい
So I can't forget you, it’s funnyJEWEL IN LOVE 愛しさがあふれて来る
Jewel in love, how much love is overflowingどれ位の 時がふたり 包み込むだろう
How much time will surround us?数えきれぬ 出来事を運んで
Bringing countless events優しい春 眩しい夏 淋しい秋…冬も
In gentle springs, bright summers, lonely autumns…and winters約束する 君のそばで眠ろう
I promise I’ll sleep beside you the whole timeどんなふうに見つめたなら 伝えられるだろう
What look would have told you?その笑顔を 幾つも知りたくて
I want to see all your smiles迷いながら 結びながら 時を越えて DREAMS COME TRUE
I’ve come through this time Of confusion and endings, dreams come trueいつの日にも 君は永久の輝き
You shine endlessly, whatever the dayFOREVER JEWEL IN MY HEART
Forever jewel in my heartNo word list
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