Hey guys, it's Risa. Today I am going to teach you five phrases your teacher will never teach
Learn the 5 Japanese Phrases your teacher will never tell you!
877 viewHey guys, it's Risa. Today I am going to teach you five phrases your teacher will never teach
you but I will teach you.
すごい cool すごーい when you say something
outstanding, you say わー、すごい すごーい
ばか idiot, fool. I don't want to be an American idiot. When
your closer friend or family did something stupid, you say ばかだねー.
When you are kidding around someone, you say ばかー too.
相槌 そうそう、だよねー うんうん へえー
相槌 we use 相槌 between the conversation a lot. “そうそうそう”
means like “yes, yes, yes.” だよねー and だよねー
is like exactly. うんうん is like yeah, yeah. へええー when
you don't have any interest in something, へー. On the other hand, when you hear
something for the first time, you say へえー with lots of interest へえー
うそー. No way うそ no way うそー うそ
Words used by young people. ちょー ヤバイ マジ? すげー
超 means very or really. ヤバイ ヤバイ is like oh my gosh or oh my god!
マジ? マジ? Seriously? すげー、すげー usually guys use, it's like
wow! すげー すげー! wow!
How is the lesson? I hope you enjoyed it. If you can speak Japanese, すごい!
No word list
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