Mizuho Financial Group announced that after counting, they will have to pay huge loss of 680 billion yen6800億円に上る巨額の損失を計上すると発表しました
as a cost necesssary for restructuring such as closing their stores.あの従来型の金融モデルの限界
“The next financial generation will bring more breakthroughsよりその次世代型の金融に大きくかじを取る
than the limitations of the current financial model.” Mizuho Financial Group’s manager- Tatsufumi Sakai said.みずほフィナンシャルグループは現在
At present, Mizuho Financial Group is promoting restructuring activities,1万9000人の人員削減や国内で100店舗の閉鎖など構造改革を進めていますが
such as cutting down 19,000 employees, and closing 100 stores in Japan.さらに数十店舗を閉鎖することになり
In addition, dozens of stores will be closed関連する損失を追加で計上します
And they will count again by adding related losses.また来年度以降数百億円の償却費用が発生する見込みの次期システムを前倒しで一括
In addition, they are consolidating the next system, which is expected to generate several billion yen of depreciation expense from next fiscal year計上して低金利が続く中でも収益を出しやすい構造に変えます
And changing to the structure that even when low interest rates continue, it is still easy to make profits.この結果今年3月期の純利益は予想より9割近く少ない
As a result, the net income of this fiscal year, ended on March 31, 2008 was revised under profit of 80 billion yen,800億円の黒字に下方修正しました
which is 90% less than expected.No word list
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