Japan-China joint coming of age ceremony held in Beijing, 150 people participated Being a bridge between the stagnant relationship between the two countries (2024/03/17)
159 view日中合同の成人式が北京の日本大使館で開かれました。
The joint coming of age ceremony between Japan and China was held at the Japanese Embassy in Beijing.日中関係が停滞するなかですが日本と中国の新成人ら150人が会場に集まり、門出を祝いました。
Although Japan-China relations are at a standstill, 150 people, including new adults from Japan and China, gathered at the venue to celebrate their start.「めっちゃうれしいです。たくさんの日本人の友達と会いたいです」
"I'm really happy. I want to meet a lot of Japanese friends."「中国の方もお着物を着て、私たちもチャイナドレスを着て、異文化の交流ができて、私たちにしかできない経験ができると思うので、中国人の友達をたくさん作って交流したい」
“Chinese people can wear kimonos, we can wear Chinese clothes, we can come into contact with different cultures and I can have unique experiences, so I want to make many Chinese friends and interact with them.”日本の留学生団体が主催する成人式は今年で14回目で、コロナの影響が残っていた去年より多くの応募がありました。
This is the 14th coming of age ceremony organized by Japanese international student organizations and there are more applications than last year, when the impact of the Corona virus was still present.祝辞の中で金杉大使は「成人式で同じ時間を過ごすのは何かの縁なので、この縁を利用して日中の架け橋になってほしい」と若い世代の交流に期待を示しています。
In his congratulatory speech, Ambassador Kanasugi expressed hope for exchange between the younger generation: “Spending time together at coming of age ceremonies is a bond, so I hope they will use this relationship to become a bridge between Japan and ChiNo word list
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