Low pressure is developing rapidly Storm in Kanto and northern Japan (2024/02/27)
537 view日本の東の海上で低気圧が急発達しています。
A low pressure system is rapidly developing over the East Sea of Japan.北日本や関東では昨日以上に風が強まり、北海道で瞬間的に30メートルを超える暴風を観測しました。
In northern Japan and the Kanto region, winds were stronger than yesterday, with winds exceeding 30 meters observed immediately in Hokkaido.今日は低気圧の発達がピークに達し、風の強いエリアも広がっています。
The development of the low pressure system today has peaked and areas with strong winds are expanding.最大瞬間風速は北海道のえりも岬で39.5メートル、福島県の白河で25.9メートルなど風が吹き荒れていて、関東でも20メートル以上の強風となっています。
Maximum instantaneous wind speeds were 39.5 meters at Cape Erimo in Hokkaido, 25.9 meters at Shirakawa in Fukushima Prefecture, and strong winds of over 20 meters were observed in the Kanto region.東北や関東では日中いっぱい強い風が続く見込みで、瞬間的には30メートル以上の暴風となり、鉄道など交通機関が乱れる恐れがあります。
Strong winds are expected to continue throughout the day in the Tohoku and Kanto regions, with instantaneous gusts of more than 30 meters, potentially disrupting transport such as trains.また、看板の落下や工事現場の足場が崩れるなど事故が起こる可能性もありますので十分注意が必要です。
In addition, there is a possibility of accidents such as falling signs or falling scaffolding at the construction site, so you need to be careful.No word list
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