"What is she doing?お祭りじゃあるまいし、あんなにたくさんのおにぎりを作って、どうするつもりだ?
It's not festival today, so why is she making a lot of Onigiri?"男が不思議そうに見ていると、嫁は頭の髪の毛をほぐし始め、
When the husband was looking at his wife with suspicion, the wife began to loosen her hair,頭のてっぺんの髪の毛をかきわけました
fixed the hair with her hands.すると頭のてっぺんがザックリと割れて、大きな口が開いたのです。
Then, her head deeply spit out and a big mouth was opened.嫁はその口へ、おにぎりをポイポイポイポイと投げ込んで、米一俵分のおにぎりを全部食べてしまいました。
The wife threw Onigiri into the mouth continuously, and that mouth quickly ate all of those.あわわわわ。
My wife is a devil!"怖くなった男はブルブルと震えましたが、嫁に気づかれない様に天井から降りると、
The frightened man trembled like a bull, but then he got down from the ceiling quietly,仕事から帰った様な顔をして家の戸を叩きました
knocked the door with a face of a person just coming home from work.おい。今、帰ったぞ
"Hey. I'm back."すると嫁は、急いで髪の毛をたばねて頭の口を隠すと、
Then, the wife was in a hurry to tie her hair and hide the big mouth,あら、おかえりなさい
"Oh honey, welcome back."と、笑顔で男を出迎えました。
she welcomed her husband with a smile.男はしばらく無言でしたが、やがて決心して言いました。
The man was silent for a while, but eventually decided to say:嫁よ。 実は今日、山に行ったら
"Honey, today I went to the mountain山の神さまからお告げがあってな
a god from the mountain told me thatお前の嫁はええ嫁だが、家に置いておくととんでもない事になる。
you are my wife but it would be impossible to let you stay here,はやく家から追い出せ!と、言うんじゃ。
he said that you should go.だからすまないけど、出て行ってくれんか?
So I'm sorry but... could you please...?"それを聞いた嫁は、あっさりと言いました。
Then the wife said immediately,はい。 出て行けと言うのなら、出て行きます。
"Yes. If you tell me to do so, I will.でもおみやげに、風呂おけとなわをもらいたいのです
But I want a bathtub and a rope as gifts."おお、そんな物でいいのなら、すぐに用意しよう
"Oh, I will prepare them immediately."男が言われた物を用意すると、嫁さんが言いました。
When the man was preparing the gifts, his wife said to him:すみませんが、この風呂おけの底に穴が開いていないか、見てもらえませんか?
"Excuse me, but could you please check for me if there is a hole in the bottom of this bathtub?"よしよし、見てやろう
"OK. Let me see."何じゃ?
What; how many; you-know-what, that; whatsit, what''s the expression, what do you call them; what?; hey!
To that extent, to that degree
To make, to produce, to manufacture, to build, to construct; to prepare (food), to brew (alcohol); to raise, to grow, to cultivate, to train; to till; to draw up (a document), to make out, to prepare, to write; to create (an artistic work, etc.), to compose; to coin (a phrase), to organize, to organise, to establish, to found; to have (a child); to make up (one''s face, etc.); to fabricate (an excuse, etc.); to form (a line, etc.); to set (a record); to commit (a sin, etc.)
To start, to begin, to commence, to initiate, to originate; to open (e.g. a store), to start up, to establish (business. etc.); to start ..., to begin to ..
Wonder, miracle, strange, mystery, marvel, curiosity
To see, to look, to watch, to view, to observe; to look over, to look on, to assess, to examine, to judge; to look after, to keep an eye on, to take care of; to view (e.g. flowers, movie); to try, to try out; to see that..., to find that..
Wife, bride; (one''s) daughter-in-law
Hair (head)
Counter for large animals (e.g. head of cattle)
Man, male; fellow, guy, chap, bloke; male lover, boyfriend, man; manliness, manly honor, manly honour, manly reputation
Hair (head)
Counter for large animals (e.g. head of cattle)
Thereupon, hereupon
To open, to undo, to unseal, to unpack; to bloom, to unfold, to spread out; to open (for business, e.g. in the morning); to be wide (gap, etc.), to widen; to hold (meeting, etc.), to give, to open; to found (nation, dynasty, sect, etc.), to open (a new business), to set up, to establish, to start; to open (ports, borders, etc.); to open (an account); to open up (new land, path, etc.), to clear, to develop; to open (a file, etc.); to extract (root), to reduce (equation); to cut open (fish); to change (kanji into hiragana); to flare (e.g. skirt); to slacken (into a poor posture)
To break, to be smashed; to split, to crack, to fissure, to be torn; to be divided, to cleave; to come to light, to be identified, to be established, to become clear
Counter for large animals (e.g. head of cattle)
Big, large, great
Mouth, speech; counter for people or implements
America, usa
Part, segment, share, ration; rate; degree, one''s lot, one''s status, relation, duty, kind, lot; in proportion to, just as much as
Wife, bride; (one''s) daughter-in-law
One; best; first, foremost; beginning, start; bottom string (on a shamisen, etc.)
Mouth, speech; counter for people or implements
All, entire, whole, altogether
To eat; to live on (e.g. a salary), to live off, to subsist on
Straw bag, bale, sack; counter for sacks, counter for bales, counter for bags
To throw into
Wife, bride; (one''s) daughter-in-law
Scary, frightening, eerie, dreadful; (i''m) afraid
To shiver, to shake, to quake, to tremble, to quaver, to quiver
Mess, sorry state, plight, sad sight; -ways, -wards; in the act of ..., just as one is ..; manner of ..., way of ..
Wife, bride; (one''s) daughter-in-law
Ceiling, ceiling price
Man, male; fellow, guy, chap, bloke; male lover, boyfriend, man; manliness, manly honor, manly honour, manly reputation
To descend (e.g. a mountain), to go down, to come down; to alight (e.g. from bus), to get off, to disembark, to dismount; to step down, to retire, to give up, to quit; to be granted, to be issued, to be given; to form (of frost, dew, mist, etc.); to be passed (from the body; e.g. of a roundworm)
Mess, sorry state, plight, sad sight; -ways, -wards; in the act of ..., just as one is ..; manner of ..., way of ..
To strike, to clap, to knock, to dust, to beat; to play drums; to abuse, to flame (e.g. on the internet), to insult; to use up money; to call, to invoke (e.g. a function)
Counter for houses, apartments, etc
House (e.g. of tokugawa), family
To return, to come home, to go home, to go back; to leave; to get home, to get to home plate
Work, job, business, occupation, employment, vocation, task; work
Face, visage; look, expression, countenance; honor, honour, face; influence, notoriety
The current ..., this; today''s ..
To return, to come home, to go home, to go back; to leave; to get home, to get to home plate
To hurry, to rush, to hasten, to make something happen sooner
Thereupon, hereupon
Wife, bride; (one''s) daughter-in-law
To hide, to conceal
Hair (head)
Counter for large animals (e.g. head of cattle)
Mouth, speech; counter for people or implements
Smiling face, smile
To meet, to greet
Man, male; fellow, guy, chap, bloke; male lover, boyfriend, man; manliness, manly honor, manly honour, manly reputation
Determination, resolution
To say, to utter, to declare; to name, to call; to go (e.g. "the alarm went ping"), to make a noise
Man, male; fellow, guy, chap, bloke; male lover, boyfriend, man; manliness, manly honor, manly honour, manly reputation
嫁よ。 実は今日、山に行ったら
Wife, bride; (one''s) daughter-in-law
Today, this day; these days, recently, nowadays
As a matter of fact, by the way, to tell you the truth, to be honest, frankly
To go, to move (in a direction or towards a specific location), to head (towards), to be transported (towards), to reach; to proceed, to take place; to pass through, to come and go; to walk; to die, to pass away; to do (in a specific way); to stream, to flow; to continue; to have an orgasm, to come, to cum; to trip, to get high, to have a drug-induced hallucination
Mountain, hill
Mountain god; one''s wife (sometimes esp. a nagging wife); roughskin sculpin (trachidermus fasciatus)
Oracle, revelation, divine message
Wife, bride; (one''s) daughter-in-law
Thing, matter; incident, occurrence, event, something serious, trouble, crisis; circumstances, situation, state of affairs; work, business, affair; after an inflectable word, creates a noun phrase indicating something the speaker does not feel close to; nominalizing suffix; pretending to ..., playing make-believe ..; alias, aka, nickname, alternative name, also known as
House (e.g. of tokugawa), family
To put, to place; to leave (behind); to establish (an organization, a facility, a position, etc.), to set up; to appoint (someone to a certain position), to hire, to employ; to place (one''s trust, one''s faith, etc), to bear (in mind etc); to put down a tool (e.g. a pen) hence stopping what one is doing with that tool; to take in (boarders, etc.), to provide lodging in one''s house; to separate spatially or temporally; to do something in advance; to leave something in a certain state, to keep something in a certain state
You (formerly honorific, now sometimes derog. term referring to an equal or inferior); presence (of a god, nobleman, etc.)
To expel, to drive out
To say, to utter, to declare; to name, to call; to go (e.g. "the alarm went ping"), to make a noise
House (e.g. of tokugawa), family
So, therefore
To go, to move (in a direction or towards a specific location), to head (towards), to be transported (towards), to reach; to proceed, to take place; to pass through, to come and go; to walk; to die, to pass away; to do (in a specific way); to stream, to flow; to continue; to have an orgasm, to come, to cum; to trip, to get high, to have a drug-induced hallucination
To leave, to exit, to go out, to come out, to get out; to leave (on a journey), to depart, to start out, to set out; to move forward; to come to, to get to, to lead to, to reach; to appear, to come out, to emerge, to surface, to come forth, to turn up, to be found, to be detected, to be discovered, to be exposed, to show, to be exhibited, to be on display; to appear (in print), to be published, to be announced, to be issued, to be listed, to come out; to attend, to participate, to take part, to enter (an event), to play in, to perform; to be stated, to be expressed, to come up, to be brought up, to be raised; to sell; to exceed, to go over; to stick out, to protrude; to break out, to occur, to start, to originate; to be produced; to come from, to be derived from; to be given, to get, to receive, to be offered, to be provided, to be presented, to be submitted, to be handed in, to be turned in, to be paid; to answer (phone, door, etc.), to get; to assume (an attitude), to act, to behave; to pick up (speed, etc.), to gain; to flow (e.g. tears), to run, to bleed; to graduate
Wife, bride; (one''s) daughter-in-law
Easily, readily, quickly; lightly (flavored food, applied makeup)
To say, to utter, to declare; to name, to call; to go (e.g. "the alarm went ping"), to make a noise
To hear; to listen (e.g. to music); to ask, to enquire, to query; to learn of, to hear about; to follow (advice), to comply with; to smell (esp. incense), to sample fragrance
はい。 出て行けと言うのなら、出て行きます。
To say, to utter, to declare; to name, to call; to go (e.g. "the alarm went ping"), to make a noise
To go, to move (in a direction or towards a specific location), to head (towards), to be transported (towards), to reach; to proceed, to take place; to pass through, to come and go; to walk; to die, to pass away; to do (in a specific way); to stream, to flow; to continue; to have an orgasm, to come, to cum; to trip, to get high, to have a drug-induced hallucination
To leave, to exit, to go out, to come out, to get out; to leave (on a journey), to depart, to start out, to set out; to move forward; to come to, to get to, to lead to, to reach; to appear, to come out, to emerge, to surface, to come forth, to turn up, to be found, to be detected, to be discovered, to be exposed, to show, to be exhibited, to be on display; to appear (in print), to be published, to be announced, to be issued, to be listed, to come out; to attend, to participate, to take part, to enter (an event), to play in, to perform; to be stated, to be expressed, to come up, to be brought up, to be raised; to sell; to exceed, to go over; to stick out, to protrude; to break out, to occur, to start, to originate; to be produced; to come from, to be derived from; to be given, to get, to receive, to be offered, to be provided, to be presented, to be submitted, to be handed in, to be turned in, to be paid; to answer (phone, door, etc.), to get; to assume (an attitude), to act, to behave; to pick up (speed, etc.), to gain; to flow (e.g. tears), to run, to bleed; to graduate
Bath, bathtub; bathroom, bathhouse; room for drying lacquerware; base (wooden joint connecting the blade of a hoe, spade, etc., to the handle)
Such (about the actions of the listener, or about ideas expressed or understood by the listener), like that, that sort of
Preparation, arrangements, provision, getting ready, laying out (e.g. a meal)
Thing, object, article, stuff, substance; one''s things, possessions, property, belongings; things, something, anything, everything, nothing; quality; reason, the way of things; used to emphasize emotion, judgment, etc., used to indicate a common occurrence in the past (after a verb in past tense), used to indicate a general tendency, used to indicate something that should happen; item classified as ..., item related to ..., work of ..; cause of ..., cause for ..; somehow, somewhat, for some reason; really, truly
Preparation, arrangements, provision, getting ready, laying out (e.g. a meal)
To say, to utter, to declare; to name, to call; to go (e.g. "the alarm went ping"), to make a noise
Man, male; fellow, guy, chap, bloke; male lover, boyfriend, man; manliness, manly honor, manly honour, manly reputation
Thing, object, article, stuff, substance; one''s things, possessions, property, belongings; things, something, anything, everything, nothing; quality; reason, the way of things; used to emphasize emotion, judgment, etc., used to indicate a common occurrence in the past (after a verb in past tense), used to indicate a general tendency, used to indicate something that should happen; item classified as ..., item related to ..., work of ..; cause of ..., cause for ..; somehow, somewhat, for some reason; really, truly
To open, to undo, to unseal, to unpack; to bloom, to unfold, to spread out; to open (for business, e.g. in the morning); to be wide (gap, etc.), to widen; to hold (meeting, etc.), to give, to open; to found (nation, dynasty, sect, etc.), to open (a new business), to set up, to establish, to start; to open (ports, borders, etc.); to open (an account); to open up (new land, path, etc.), to clear, to develop; to open (a file, etc.); to extract (root), to reduce (equation); to cut open (fish); to change (kanji into hiragana); to flare (e.g. skirt); to slacken (into a poor posture)
Bath, bathtub; bathroom, bathhouse; room for drying lacquerware; base (wooden joint connecting the blade of a hoe, spade, etc., to the handle)
To see, to look, to watch, to view, to observe; to look over, to look on, to assess, to examine, to judge; to look after, to keep an eye on, to take care of; to view (e.g. flowers, movie); to try, to try out; to see that..., to find that..
Ass, arse, buttocks; rear, end; acupuncture point; hole, notch
Bottom, sole
To see, to look, to watch, to view, to observe; to look over, to look on, to assess, to examine, to judge; to look after, to keep an eye on, to take care of; to view (e.g. flowers, movie); to try, to try out; to see that..., to find that..
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