I've been watching you, always and alwaysもっともっともっと気づいてほしくて
Please notice me, more and moreきっときっときっと今日より明日
Surely surely tomorrow will be better than today君に近づけるように 負けるな自分
To get closer to you I won't lose myself廊下ですれ違う君と 目と目が合ったの
Going past you in the hallway, our eyes met挨拶しなくちゃ急いで通り過ぎちゃうよ
I hurried to run to you to say hello少しの勇気が1歩になる
That small courage has helped me go one step further分かってるのになぁ~ もうどうして
You knew it, don't you? Then whyもたもたしてたらあの子に先越されちゃうよ
If I was confused, that girl would go ahead and winほら今だ
Right nowやっとやっとやっと巡り会えた
Finally, finally, I finally met you何度 何回 恋君にしてるかな
I do not know how many times I fell in love with youほっと そっと ハッとするたびにまた
Evẻy time I relief, gentle, tumultuous hugged you胸に言い聞かせるの 焦るな自分
I told myself to calm down泣いてばかりいちゃ
Then I cried so muchしたてのメイクも崩れちゃう
that all my make up was gone awayキレイな私で会いたいそう決めたんだ
I had decided to show you the most beautiful of me though君のことをリサーチしたり
I researched everything about youらしくないことするよりもそう
then I realized I should not do something I couldn'tいつも誰より笑顔でいたい私だけの魔法だから
I want to smile more brightly than anyone else, because it's a miracle of my ownずっとずっとずっと君を見てたい
I've been watching you, always and alwaysもっともっともっと気づいてほしいよ
Please notice me, more and moreきっときっときっと今日より明日
Surely surely tomorrow will be better than today君に近づけるように 負けるな自分
To get closer to you I won't lose myselfNo word list
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