Hi, everyone!
Learn the Top 10 Phrases Tourists Should Never Use in Japanese
1959 viewHi, everyone!
Risa here!
Welcome to Japanese Top Words.
Today, we are going to do
top 10 phrases tourists should never use.
Never use, never ever.
最低! “That's disgusting!”
この国の人のテーブルマナーは最低! “In this country, people's table manners are disgusting!”
私の国の方がいい。 “My country is better.”
絶対、私の国の方がいい。 “My country is absolutely better.”
家に帰った方がいい。 “I'd rather be back home.”
ここに居るより、家に帰った方がいい。 “I'd rather be back home than stay here.”
That’s so boring!
だまれ! “Shut up!”
うるさい、だまれ! “Shut up!”
あなたの国の文化にあまり興味がない。 “I'm not very interested in your culture.”
I’m sorry.
あなたの国の文化にあまり 興味がないって言ったでしょ。
“I said I'm not very interested in your culture, didn't I?”
知らない人と出会うのがあまり好きじゃない。“I don't like meeting new people.”
知らない人と出会うのがあんまり 好きじゃない。だから行きたくない
“I don't like meeting new people, so I don't want to go.”
マックで食べるだけにしよう。“Let's just eat at McDonald's.”
どこのレストランもおいしくないから、 マックで食べるだけにしよう。
“Let's just eat at McDonald's, because there are no good restaurants.”
この味、ひどい。 “This tastes awful.”
この料理の味、ひどい。 “This dish tastes awful.”
すみません、なんだですか、これは。“What is this?”
私はホテルで時間を潰すつもり。“I'm going to spend the day in the hotel.”
“I'm going to spend the day in the hotel, because it's too hot.”
何、この東京の暑さ!?信じられない。ホ テルで時間潰そ。“How could it be such hot in Tokyo!? I can’t believe it. I’m going to spend the time in the hotel.”
暑い、溶けちゃう。 “Too hot, so I’m melting.”
あなたたちは野蛮だ。 “You people are uncivilized.”
そんなことするなんて、あなたたちは野蛮だ。 “You people are uncivilized to do such a thing.”
Can you believe it?
What are you doing?
What the heck!
That’s it for today.
That was top 10 phrases tourists should never use.
Thank you for watching.
皆さんがもしどこかに行ったときに、こんな言葉を使わなくてもいいですように。“Hope you wouldn’t need to use such phrases when you travel.”
じゃ、皆さん。“So, everyone”
peace out.
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