改札の前 つなぐ手と手
改札の前 つなぐ手と手
Once we held hands at the ticket wicketいつものざわめき 新しい風
The same old noise, the brand new wind明るく見送るはずだったのに
Even though I was supposed to cheerfully see you offうまく笑えずに君を見ていた
I was just watching your back as I wasn't able to smile君が大人になってくその季節が
I hoped the season when you became an adult悲しい歌で溢れないように
Would not be awash in sad songs最後に何か君に伝えたくて
I wanted to tell you something in the end「さよなら」に代わる言葉を僕は探してた
Fumbling for the words to replace a goodbye君の手を引くその役目が
I had thought that guiding you by the hand僕の使命だなんて そう思ってた
Was my duty that must be doneだけど今わかったんだ 僕らならもう
But I now understand重ねた日々が ほら 導いてくれる
Those past days will guide us to the way君が大人になってくその時間が
While you become an adult降り積もる間に僕も変わってく
I begin to change as wellたとえばそこにこんな歌があれば
If only there is a song like thisふたりはいつもどんな時もつながっていける
We can belong together here no matter when突然ふいに鳴り響くベルの音
A bell ringing all of a sudden焦る僕 解ける手 離れてく君
I felt rushed, let go of my hand, and you separated from me夢中で呼び止めて抱きしめたんだ
I desperately stopped you along the way and held you tight君がどこに行ったって僕の声で守るよ
I will protect you by my voice no matter where you go君が僕の前に現れた日から
Since that day when you appeared in front of me何もかもが違くみえたんだ
Everything hasn't been the same朝も光も涙も歌う声も
Mornings, lights, tears and singing voices君が輝きをくれたんだ
That's what you gave the brilliance to抑えきれない思いをこの声に乗せて
Carrying my feelings I can't hold back onto my voice遠く君の街へ届けよう
I will send them to your far-off streetたとえばそれがこんな歌だったら
Say it is a song like this僕らは何処にいたとしてもつながってゆける
We can come together no matter whereNo word list
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