My scarf was frayed with wool「初めてもらったプレゼントだから」って
But "Because it was the first gift you gave me."何年も何年も大事に使ってるよな
So anyway, I will always take care of it今年の冬は流行りのブランドもの
This winter I want to give you a beautiful scarfあげたくて見てたショーウインドウ
I saw it displayed behind the glass windows(でも)お前は「このままがいいの」と笑う
(But) You smiled and said "This scarf is still good"そんな何気ない一言で
Just by these wordsまたひとつ好きになった
I feel like I love you moreいろんな奇跡が重なり くれた出会い
So many miracles come from that meetingつなげてく永遠に
They will unite us forever舞い上がれ雪 どこまでも限りなく
The snow on high is still falling真っ白な世界で 包みこんでくれ
Wrap us in a white world愛してる 叫んだ空に光る
I love you and I shouted it to that sky愛真冬の I Love You
I love you, a love in the cold of winter俺にはお前しかいねぇ
You are the only oneNo word list
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