This tuna can be enough for 2000 people when being served as sashimi.全国有数のマグロの水揚げ量を誇る和歌山県の勝浦虚構で巨大のマグロが水揚げされました
A huge tuna was landed at Katsuura Fishing Port in Wakayama Prefecture which is one of the nation's leading tuna catching areas.このマグロは体長2メートル62センチメートル重さは386キロもあります
This tuna is 2 meters 62 centimeters long and weighs 386 kilograms.刺し身にするとおよそ2千人分あるということで
This tuna sashimi can be served to about 2,000 people勝浦漁港で水揚げされたまぐろとしては今シーズン最大です
and this is the biggest tuna landed at Katsuura fishing port this season.5キロ当たり5,690円1本237万円で地元の仲買業者に競り落とされ東京の豊洲
The tuna was up for auction by a local broker for 5,690 yen per 5 kilograms (approximately 2,370,000 yen for a tuna)市場に出荷されました
and it was shipped to the Toyosu market in Tokyo.No word list
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