Wouldn’t you say manners when eating are very important everywhere you go?
Wouldn’t you say manners when eating are very important everywhere you go?
In this lesson, you are going to learn the phrase said before and after you eat いただきます。and ごちそうさま。 and some other useful phrases.
いただきます。 is a phrase said before a meal. There is no direct translation for this in English but this is used to express gratitude for the food.
ごちそうさま。 is the phrase said after a meal which means "thank you for the food".
When you want to say ごちそうさま。 in a more polite way, you can say ごちそうさまでした。
Here is another phrase. When you like the food that you are eating, you can say おいしい which means "it’s delicious". Now let’s practice.
Now it’s time for Hiroko’s hint. Do you know what to say before drinking at a party?
You can say かんぱい。 which means "cheers".
See you next time.
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