I heard the news about a girl killing herself by jumping around here 2 days ago血まみれセーラー 濡れ衣センコー たちまちここらはネットの餌食
Her bloody sailor blouse, what grievances are hidden? Immediately, this area became the prey of the internet.「危ないですから離れてください」
"Please stay back because it's dangerous"そのセリフが集合の合図なのにな
Such a line sure is a sign of gathering馬鹿騒ぎした奴らがアホみたいに撮りまくった
People fooling around taking pictures like crazy冷たいアスファルトに流れるあの血の何とも言えない 赤さが綺麗で
The color red of the blood flowing on the cold asphalt綺麗で
Looked beautiful, beautiful泣いてしまったんだ
And I cried泣いてしまったんだ
I cried何にも知らないブラウン管の外側で
The news companies who know nothing生きて生きて生きて生きて生きて
She lived, lived, lived, lived, lived生きて生きて生きていたんだよな
Lived, lived, lived, didn't she最後のサヨナラは他の誰でもなく
She screamed her last "goodbye"自分に叫んだんだろう
To nobody but herself彼女が最後に流した涙
The tear she last shed生きた証の赤い血は 何も知らない大人たちに二秒で拭き取られてしまう
Her red blood which was supposed to be the proof of life was Wiped in 2 seconds by ignorant adults立ち入り禁止の黄色いテープ
The yellow crime-scene tapes「ドラマでしかみたことなーい」
"I have never seen it except for in TV drama"そんな言葉が飛び交う中で いま彼女はいったい何を思っているんだろう
While such words are swirling around. I wonder what the hell is she thinking now.遠くで 遠くで
In somewhere far, far away泣きたくなったんだ
And I felt like to cry泣きたくなったんだ
I felt like to cry長いはずの一日がもう暮れる
The day that should have been long was already over生きて生きて生きて生きて生きて
She lived, lived, lived, lived, lived生きて生きて生きていたんだよな
Lived, lived, lived, didn't she新しい何かが始まる時
When something new is gonna happen消えたくなっちゃうのかな
I wonder people just feel like to vanish「今ある命を精一杯生きなさい」なんて 綺麗事だな。
"Do your best to live out your life". That's just fine-sounding talk.精一杯勇気を振り絞って彼女は空を飛んだ
She jumped to the sky building up her courage鳥になって 雲をつかんで
Being a bird, grabbing the cloud風になって 遥遠くへ
Being the wind, to a faraway place希望を抱いて飛んだ
She jumped with hope生きて生きて生きて生きて生きて
She lived, lived, lived, lived, lived生きて生きて生きていたんだよな
Lived, lived, lived, didn't she新しい何かが始まる時
When something new is gonna happen消えたくなっちゃうのかな
I wonder people just feel like to vanish生きて生きて生きて生きて生きて
She lived, lived, lived, lived, lived生きて生きて生きていたんだよな
Lived, lived, lived, didn't she最後のサヨナラは他の誰でもなく
She screamed her last "goodbye"自分に叫んだんだろう
To nobody but herselfサヨナラ サヨナラ
Goodbye goodbyeNo word list
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