Hi everyone, welcome to Japanese top 25 verbs. Let's go. Yay!
Learn the Top 25 Must-Know Japanese Verbs!
1367 viewHi everyone, welcome to Japanese top 25 verbs. Let's go. Yay!
忘れる To forget.
What did you eat last night for dinner? Umm.. what did I eat... 忘れる
する to do ジャンプする
やる to do やる is also means to do like する
but やる is more bit more casual way to say to do.
やることリストを作る Make to-do list
Learn how to do yoga. Make my original song.To do list.
いる To exist 友達がいる I have
a friend, thank you
ある to exist. We usually use いる for living things
but ある for not living things.
話す to talk
カメラに向かって、話す To talk to the camera
To the camera えーっと、昨日ねえ I don't know what should I talk to the camera. Hello.
呼ぶ. To call to call your name. おーい
行く. To go, To go to France. ボン・ボヤージュ
出る. To go out, to go out of this room.
見る. To see. To see. To see the future. I can see your future.
You get a candy from your friend tomorrow. ふっふっふっふっふ
思う. To think. Do you think about what I want to eat for
lunch today. Hmmmmm, French fries?
待つ to wait
言う. To say, to say what you want to say. To say
もう一回お願いします。 To say what you want to say.
わかる. To understand. To understand Japanese
来る. To come 来るぅー.
In spring, 花粉症が、来るぅー
出来る. To be able to do 出来る. I want my foot to be able
to touch my head. This is my foot.
開く To open
取る to take, to take tissue box, to take slipper,
to take a keyboard, to take a slipper again.
To take a handkerchief. 取るものがいっぱい
作る to make, to make a cup out of clay.
読む to read, to read your mind. I know. I know what you
think about. I have been reading a book called Alchemist. It's been taking a long time.
歩く to walk
食べる to eat to eat with my hand.
寝る. To sleep
to sleep in the class.
聞く. To hear, to ask.
What is your favorite Japanese word?
なる. To become
心の広い人になりたい! I want to become a big hearted person.
運転する To drive,
Oh be careful!
笑う. To laugh
歌う. To sing
Thank you for watching. Today we did top 25 Japanese verbs.
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