French National Assembly election round 1 Far-right party becomes the largest party (2024/07/01)
1 viewフランスで議会下院にあたる国民議会選挙の第1回投票が行われ、極右政党「国民連合」が第1党になることが確実視されています。
The first round of voting for the National Assembly, the lower house, has been held in France, and the far-right party National Alliance is certain to become the leading party.フランスで30日、国民議会選挙の第1回投票が行われ、即日開票されました。
The first round of voting for the National Assembly election was held in France on the 30th and votes were counted on the same day.予測では、極右政党の「国民連合」が240~270議席を獲得して第1党となるのが確実視されています。
According to forecasts, the far-right National Alliance party will definitely win 240 to 270 seats and become the largest party.一方で、6月9日の欧州議会選の大敗で解散総選挙を決断したマクロン大統領率いる与党連合は60~90議席で、選挙前から半減以下となる見込みです。
On the other hand, the ruling coalition led by President Macron, who decided to hold an early general election after a heavy defeat in the European Parliament election on June 9, is expected to hold from 60 to 90 seats, less than half the previous number過半数の票を獲得した候補者がいない選挙区では、今月7日の決選投票で当選者が決まります。
In constituencies where no candidate received a majority of votes, the winner will be determined in a runoff election on the 7th of this month.No word list
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