Famed author Taichi Sakaiya, who made a success of the Osaka-Kansai Japan Expo作家の堺屋太一さんが亡くなりまし た
also served as head of the former Economic Planning Agency, died.83歳でした
He was 83.左官屋さんは大阪府出身で東京大学を卒業後当時の通産省に入省
Born in Osaka, after graduating from the University of Tokyo, he entered the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (at that time),1970年の大阪万博の開催に携わり
And in 1970, he succeeded in holding成功させました
the Osaka-Kansai Japan Expo.その後作家として活躍し第1次ベビーブーム世代の影響を予測した小説
After that, he worked as a writer, and his novel “Dankai no Sedai”団塊の世代がベストセラーになりました
which predicted the impact of the first baby boomer generation, became the best-seller.万国博覧会のときには皆が初めてでしたから
“I think because this is the first time everyone came to the World Expo,ものすごい情熱が日本中に盛り下がったと思います
all people in Japan really got excited about that.それはまさに私の幸
This is not only my own joyでもあり日本の方をんだったと思いますね
but also the joy of Japan.’’ He said.また左官屋さんは民間人の閣僚として1998年から2年間
In addtition, Sakaiya also served as the cabinet minister経済企画庁長官を務めました
for the Economic Planning Agency for 2 years from 1998.左官屋さんは先月体調を崩して入院していましたが
Last month, Sakaiya was hospitalized due to his bad health conditionおととい多臓器不全でなくなりました
However, he died of multiple organ failure the day before yesterday.通夜は16日告別式は17日に行われる予定です
The lyke-wake will be held on 16th and the funeral will be on 17th.No word list
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