The Emperor and Empress attend the Japanese Academy Awards Ceremony Enthusiastically question the winner's explanation (2024/07/08)
0 view8日午前10時半ごろ、天皇皇后両陛下は東京・上野公園の日本学士院会館に到着し、院長らの出迎えを受けられました。
At about 10:30 a.m. on the 8th, the Emperor and Empress arrived at the Japan Academy Hall in Ueno Park, Tokyo, where they were greeted by the director and others.今年は特に優れた「恩賜賞」に地震学を研究する東京大学地震研究所の小原一成教授ら2人が、
This year, two people, including Professor Kazunari Ohara of the University of Tokyo's Earthquake Research Institute, who researches seismology, were awarded the Royal Award for Special Excellence.日本学士院賞には恩賜賞を受賞した2人を含め10人が選ばれました。
Ten people were selected for the Japan Academy Prize, including two recipients of the Imperial Prize.授賞式の後、両陛下は小原教授から通常の地震とは異なる、地下のプレート境界がゆっくり滑る現象=「スロースリップ」の説明を受けられ、
After the award ceremony, the Emperor received an explanation from Professor Obara about the phenomenon of slow slip, a phenomenon where underground plate boundaries slide slowly, different from normal earthquakes.天皇陛下は「スローとはどれぐらいの速度ですか」などと熱心に質問されていました。
The Emperor enthusiastically posed questions such as, “How fast is slow?”No word list
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