I want tou to listenこの歌を贈ります
this song, I gave it to you勇気を出して言うから
I will be brave and sing it loud聴いてくれたら嬉しいな
I will be happy if you listenいろんな言い訳を並べては
using a lot of reasons今日まで誤魔化してきた
I've hid all my thought until now失うのが傷つくのがずっと
I'm afraid of failure and hurt怖くて言えずにいたよ
if I can't say it何度も泣いて何度も悩んで
I wonder how many times I've cried, I've been hurt諦めそうになる日もあった
some days, I almost gave upでも私は私の為に伝えたい
but I still want to tell you my thoughtsそう決めたんだ
then I decideあなたが好き好き
I do love you so muchずっと好きでした
have being loving you for a long time今日も明日もこの先もずっと
today, tomorrow, or in the future友達にはもう戻れないけれど
can't be back to be your friend anymore私だけを見てくれませんか
can you look at me onlyもう背中ばかり追いかけてた
the one who have always been behind you私じゃなくて
it's not meあなたが好きな人になりたいな
i want to be the girl you loveあれから数年がすぎ
it's been years since that dayあなたと結ばれてから
they day I could stand beside you隣に今こうしていれること
the things we do together now何年経っても嬉しいよ
I will still be happy to think about, though time is passing時に互いの大切さに気付けず
sometimes, we were cereless and forgot心がすれ違う日もあった
some days, our hearts were apartでもあなたが教えてくれた
but it's you whou taught me本当の愛する意味
the truth of love一緒にいたい見たい叶えていきたい
it's "want to be together, to meet, to try for dreams together"支え信じ泣き笑いあって
"believe, support and happy tears"歩いていこうまだ頼りないけれど
we walk together, but it's not enoughあなたの優しさになりたいよ
so i want you to give me your back and count on me小さな喜び大きな幸せあなたと
with you, even small things become big happiness2人で育てたい守りたい
I wish that we will take care, and protect it...No word list
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