back number ♪「わたがし」 Vocal:まふまふ Piano:cake
back number ♪「わたがし」 Vocal:まふまふ Piano:cake
back number水色にはなびらの浴衣が この世で一番
I think you look best in light blue Yukata with petals in the world似合うのはたぶん君だと思う
I asked you outよく誘えた 泣きそうだ
That brought me tears夏祭りの最後の日
On the final day of the summer festivalわたがしを口で溶かす君は
I watch your cotton candy melting in your mouthわたがしになりたい僕に言う
When I want to be your cotton candy, you tell me楽しいねって
“Hey, isn’t it fun?”僕はうなずくだけで
I’m just nodding my head気の利いた言葉も出てきやしない
Not a single witty remark comes out of my mouth君の隣歩く事に
Because I feel embarrassed that慣れてない自分が 恥ずかしくて
I’m not used to walking next to you想いがあふれたらどうやって
When my thoughts come overflowingどんなきっかけタイミングで
At which timing, where do I start?手を繋いだらいいんだろう
How should I hold your hand right?どう見ても柔らかい君の手を
When your hands are too soft to touchどんな強さでつかんで
With what kind of strength should I grasp yours?どんな顔で見つめればいいの
With what kind of face should I look at you?君がさっき口ずさんだ歌にも
It’s sad to thinkたまに目が合う事も
There would be no further meaning深い意味なんてないのだろう
When you hummed some tune悲しいけど
And our eyes briefly met by chance君が笑ってくれる
Watching you smile at meただそれだけの事で僕はついに
That alone is enough for me心の場所を見つけたよ
To find my spot in my heartうるさくて痛くて もどかしくて
It’s noisy, painful, and frustrating想いがあふれたらどうやって
When my thoughts come overflowingどんなきっかけタイミングで
At which timing, where do I start?手を繋いだらいいんだろう
How should I hold your hand right?どう見ても柔らかい君の手を
When your hands are too soft to touchどんな強さでつかんで
With what kind of strength should I grasp yours?どんな顔で見つめればいいの
With what kind of face should I look at you?もうすぐ花火が上がるね
Before the fireworks start off君の横顔を今焼き付けるように じっと見つめる
I silently stare at your profile as if burning it into my headこの胸の痛みはどうやって
How could I give you this pain that lingers on in my heart?君にうつしたらいいんだろう
It’s not just enough for me to stay beside you横にいるだけじゃ駄目なんだ
And all sorts of topics to draw your attentionもう君の気を引ける話題なんて
Are just about hitting the rock bottomとっくに底をついて
To say nothing of the last word残されてる言葉はもう
left in meわかってるけど
I sure know it, thoughどんなきっかけタイミングで
When my thoughts come overflowing手を繋いだらいいんだろう
At which timing, where do I start?どう見ても柔らかい君の手を
How should I hold your hand right?どんな強さでつかんで
With what kind of strength should I grasp yours?どんな顔で見つめればいいの
With what kind of face should I look at you?夏祭りの最後の日
On the final day of the summer festivalわたがしを口で溶かす君に
I watch your cotton candy melting in your mouthわたがしになりたい僕は言う
When I want to be your cotton candy, I tell you楽しいねって
“Hey, isn’t it fun?”back number ♪「わたがし」 Vocal:まふまふ Piano:cake
back numberNo word list
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