You came a long way単身赴任のアパートに
My daughters came to visit me娘たちがやって来た
while I'm away working in assignmentなんか荷物多すぎないか?
You seem to have a lot of bags内緒
It's a secretあ、あの荷物ね
Ah, you mean those bags?さ、何かしらね
I also wonder what is insideはい、はい
Oh, I knowえ、パパの好きなもの
Eh, papa's favorite food?ご馳走作るの
We will cook for himこーれ
Ahー, for me?そうね、ふんわり甘い卵焼き
That's right, the egg is sweet and fluffy玉ねぎたっぷりハンバーグ
Hamburger steak with lots of onions二人だけで大丈夫?
Are you two OK?やっぱりパパも手伝うかな?
Should I help you?パパは座ってて
Papa, go and sit downご飯はちょっと固めかな
He likes his rice a bit firmみんなのうちに、大きくなったな
They have really grown upだってパパ、一人で良くなもの食べてないと思うんだ
But I don't think Papa can eat well by himselfだからご馳走作ったやるんだよね
That's why we will cook for himごめんなさい
Sorry, papa料理の出来は散々だった。
Their cooking was a disater.だけど。。。
Uhm, so delicious和歌山味だ
It tastes like homeお仕事頑張ってね
Good luck at work, papaお、うまい
Oh, yummy.No word list
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