More and more Chinese buy real estate in Vancouver, Canada, which is said to be the most livable city in the world.カナダのバンクーバーで中国人が次々と不動産を購入し地価の高騰の背景となっています
And this results in soaring land prices.ある問題も起きていました
One problem happened, too.ファーウェイもう晩秋副会長の自宅周辺はいわゆる高級住宅街ではありませんが
The area around Meng Wanzhou’s house, the vice president of Huawei, is not luxury residential area日本円にして5億円以上といわれる住宅が並んでいます
However, in this area, there are houses which are said to worth more than 500 million yen.日本の相場よりもかなり高い印象です
This price is higher than market price in Japan.カナダで人口第3位の都市バンクーバーでは中国人による住宅購入が相次ぎました
In Vancouver, the third most populous city of Canada, a lot of home purchases were made by Chineseこうした背景もあって戸建て住宅の科学は2005年の3倍に跳ね上がっています
And as a result, the science of single-family homes has increased three times in 2005.風にアドう住宅の爆買いをしてたようですね
"It seems that everyone bought houses because of the advertisements.自分の国の政府を信用してませんから
People do not trust government of their own country資産をあの自分の本国に置いておくと不安だからやっぱりできればチャンスがあれ
So if they put their own properties in homeland, they will feel worry about it.ば海外に持っていこうという
And if they have chances, they will buy houses in a foreign country.不動産価格が高騰した影響で住宅を買えない人が増え
As a result, the number of people who can not buy a house increases because of the rise in real estate prices.街にはホームレスが触れるなど深刻な事態になっています
Therefore, a serious statuation, such as homelessness is happening in the city, has occurred." Real estate agent, Joji Murakami said.しかしこうした動きにも変化が出ています
But these movements are also changing.7月からですね急に動きが止まって米中貿易摩擦を見て中国からの投資があの
The movement has suddenly stopped since July.足を止めているんだと
From the trade friction between US and China, we can see that investment from China is stopping.アメリカと中国の貿易摩擦やカナダ政府が打ち出した
It seems that the trade friction between the US and China and the tax for foreign investors外国人投資家への税引き上げが投資に影響を与えているようです
published by Canada government are affecting investment activities.No word list
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