The language of flowers青蘭の勿忘草
The borage grass of green orchids真実を追いかけて
Chasing the truth紫苑の花言葉
The language of Shion flower貴方は忘れない
I can not forget you吹く風が椛の色を
The wind blows smoothlyゆらりゆらり紅く染めてゆく
It's swaying, dyeing red離れても私の心
Despite the distance, my heartひらりひらり近づけていくの
Still quietly, gently find your place水面も揺る季節に
In the season when the water surface shakesI believe 思い繋ぐ今
I believe we still think about each other巡り会えたこの奇跡を胸に
This fleeting miracleいつも抱いていくの
I will forever hold it in my heart色褪せない真実は永遠に
The truth has never faded, lasts forever今もここに咲いてる
Until now, it has always bloomed here晴嵐の勿忘草
Borage grass soaks in mountain steam時が過ぎ 舞う雪たちも
Late snow fallsふわりふわり囁いていく
Whisper softly桜色に頬染める
Cherry blossom cheeksゆるりゆるり貴方に溶けて
Touch you then melt向日葵のような笑顔
Your smile is like a sunflowerI believe 思い繋ぐ今
I believe we still think about each other花言葉
The language of flowers勿忘草
Borage grassあなたは忘れない
I can not forget you巡り会えたあの時と同じに
Like the moment fleeting happened君の横に座って見つめてたい
I want to sit beside you, watch you intently瞳に映し出す紫苑の花言葉
Shion flower words reflecting in the eyes tells the truth貴方を忘れない
That I can't forget you巡り会えたあの時と同じに
Like the moment fleeting happened君の横に座って
I want to sit beside you見つめてたい瞳に写しだす
Watch you intently, Shion flower words reflecting in the eyes紫苑の花言葉
Tells the truth巡り会えたこの奇跡を胸に
This fleeting miracleいつも抱いていくの
I will forever hold it in my heart色褪せないあの日は永遠に
That day has never faded, lasting endlessly紫苑の花言葉
Shion flower words reflecting in the eyes貴方を忘れない
I can not forget youNo word list
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