Hiroko’s top 3 casual Japanese Expressions.
Learn Japanese - Hiroko's top 3 casual Japanese Expressions
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In this lesson,you are going to learn three common expressions that will wow your Japanese friends.
They are super easy and it will take less than 3 minutes.
Okay let’s hear the phrases. First, うそ! - "No way". Next we have かわいー!- - "That’s so cute".
And we have すごい! - "Wow"
う、そ うそ うそ! means a "lie" but it can be also used as an interjection to mean you are kidding or no way.
So when I am really surprised at what I heard from someone or I think that’s unbelievable, I would often say うそ! as an expression of surprise.
かわいー! - "that’s so cute". か、わ、い、い. かわいー! かわいー is an adjective meaning "cute".
When I find something so cute, I say かわい-.
If you make the last E sound a little bit longer, you can express how impressed you are.
Finally we have すごい! - "wow" or "amazing". す、ご、い. すごい!
すごい is an adjective meaning "terrific" or "amazing".
This adjective can be used as a single word to express how impressed you are to see something.
Okay let’s recap. First we have うそ! - "no way" or "you are kidding".
Next we have かわいー! - "that’s so cute"
And we have すごい! - "that’s amazing, wow".
Now let’s practice. So I am looking for my wallet and I can’t find it.
Now I am at shopping and I find a cute jacket.
Now I find the jacket is on sale.
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