Movement to honor founder Wagner Prigozhin in Russia (2024/06/02)
66 view去年、ロシア国内で反乱を起こし、飛行機の墜落で死亡した民間軍事会社「ワグネル」の創設者プリゴジン氏を神格化する動きが広がっています。
There is a growing cult of Mr. Prigozhin, the founder of the private military company Wagner, who launched an uprising in Russia last year and died in a plane crash.プリゴジン氏の誕生日にあたる1日、墓地には銅像が設置され、兵士や市民らが献花に訪れていました。
On Prigozhin's birthday, a bronze statue was erected at the cemetery, and soldiers and civilians came to lay flowers.プリゴジン氏が死亡した飛行機の墜落現場にも記念碑が設置されています。
A memorial has also been erected at the site of the plane crash where Mr. Prigozhin died.プリゴジン氏は、ウクライナ侵攻での国防省の対応などに反発し、「ワグネル」を率いて去年6月に反乱を起こしましたが、ちょうど2カ月後に乗っていた飛行機が墜落し死亡しました。
Mr. Prigozhin rebelled against the Defense Ministry's response to the invasion of Ukraine and led an uprising last June, but he died just two months later when the plane he was on crashed.プーチン大統領が「裏切り者」だと批判したプリゴジン氏の神格化は、ロシア国内の右派によるプーチン政権への不満の現れとみられます。
The establishment of a monument to Mr. Prigozhin, who was criticized by President Putin as a "traitor", is considered an expression of dissatisfaction with the Putin government of right-wing people in Russia.No word list
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