涙など見せない 強気なあなたを
涙など見せない 強気なあなたを
You're strong and don't show your tearsそんなに悲しませた人は誰なの?
So who's the person making you so sad?終わりを告げた恋に すがるのはやめにして
Stop clinging to a love that's announced its endふり出しから また始めればいい
You should start from the beginning again幸せになりたい気持ちがあるなら
If you feel that you want to be happy明日を見つけることは とても簡単
Then it's very easy to find tomorrow少しやせたそのからだに 似合う服を探して
Look for clothes that suit your body that's gotten a little thin街へ飛び出せばほら みんな振り返る
When you jump into town, hey, everyone will look back at youチャンスは何度でも 訪れてくれるはず
Chances should come around again and again彼だけが 男じゃないことに気づいて
Realize that he's not the only manあなたの小さな mistake いつか想い出に変わる
Someday your small mistake will change into memories大人への階段をひとつ上ったの
You've gone up the stairs to adulthood by one step人生はあなたが思うほど悪くない
Life isn't as bad as you think it is早く元気出して あの笑顔を見せて
Quickly cheer up, show me your smiling faceLa La La……
La La La……No word list
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