once upon a time, in a placeなつかしいおはなし
there was a old storyおしまいのあとを
after the endだれもしりはしない
no one knew巡り巡り星が繰り返し
orbiting stars repeated定められたかたち描く空
the sky drew the prescribed shape流れ零れ堕ちる迷い子は
The stray child got lost and fell見上げ焦がれ捧ぐ罪人の歌
Sinner's Song that people looked upはじまりのまえに
before the beginning決められた言の葉
the poet that was decided紡ぐ糸車
spinning wheelそれが僕らだった
was our destiniesお願いお願いどうか泣かないで
please, I begged you not to cry君以外の誰かになれずに
it couldn't be someone else but only you祈り願い望むことさえも
even prayers and wishes were made許されないそれは咎人の夢
unacceptable, it's a criminal's dream砕けた硝子色の楽園
a paradise with broken colorful glasses拾う指に傷を残す
left a scar on the picking finger昔々、遠い遠い場所
once upon a time, in a far, far away place君は君で僕は僕だった
you were you and I was myself破り捨てた頁の何処に
somewhere on the torn down pageあったはずのおしまい探して
I looked for the end that it should had been巡り巡り星が繰り返し
orbiting stars repeated定められたかたち描く空
the sky drew the prescribed shape流れ零れ堕ちる迷い子は
The stray child got lost and fell見上げ焦がれ捧ぐ罪人の歌
Sinner's Song that people looked upむかし、あるところ
once upon a time, in a placeなつかしいおはなし
there was a old storyおしまいのあとを
after the endだれもしりはしない
no one knewNo word list
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