さよならが喉の奥に つっかえてしまって
さよならが喉の奥に つっかえてしまって
As if goodbye was stuck on the back of your throat咳をするみたいに ありがとうって言ったの
You want to cough it out, but you say thank you instead次の言葉はどこかと ポケットを探しても
You were searching for the next word in your pocket,見つかるのはあなたを 好きな私だけ
But eventually you always find me that loves you平気よ大丈夫だよ 優しくなれたと思って
"No worries, I'm fine" that is what I think願いに変わって 最後は嘘になって
But I hope the end is all but just a lie青いまま枯れてゆく
I was down and looked paleあなたを好きなままで消えてゆく
The one that I love suddenly disappeared私みたいと手に取って
Please pick a man just like me奥にあった想いと一緒に握り潰したの
I hold these feelings as tightly as possible in my heart大丈夫 大丈夫
"I'm fine, I'm fine"今すぐに抱きしめて
I need you to hug me now私がいれば何もいらないと
I don't need anything else anymoreそれだけ言ってキスをして
Please, if you just could just kiss meなんてね 嘘だよ ごめんね
But, it's all just a lie, forgive meNo word list
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