How are you doing?街には慣れたか
Have you gotten used to the town yet?友達出来たか
Have you made friends?寂しかないか
You’re not lonely right?お金はあるか
Do you have money?今度いつ帰る
When are you coming back home?城跡から見下せば
If you look down from the castle remains,蒼く細い河
A thin cerulean river flows橋のたもとに造り酒屋の
And close to the bridge, from the beer brewer'sレンガ煙突
the smoke clay chimney.この町を綿菓子に 染め抜いた雪が消えれば
Streams like cotton candy across this town. When the snow that dyes away color disappears,お前がここを出てから 初めての春
You leave this place, in the first of spring手紙が無理なら電話でもいい
If a letter is too much to ask for, then a telephone call is fine,「金頼む」の一言でもいい
Even just to ask for money.お前の笑顔を待ちわびる
We’re waiting impatiently to see your smiling face,おふくろに聴かせてやってくれ
to let your mother hear your voice.元気でいるか
How are you doing?街には慣れたか
Have you gotten used to the town yet?友達出来たか
Have you made friends?寂しかないか
You’re not lonely right?お金はあるか
Do you have money?今度いつ帰る
When are you coming back home?山の麓 煙はいて列車が走る
Fumes gather at the base of the mountain, where a train is passing凩が雑木林を 転げ落ちてくる
The winter current sweeps the tree groves銀色の毛布つけた 田圃にぽつり
And rice paddies dusted with a blanket of mist are abandoned.置き去られて雪をかぶった
There is snow poured over案山子がひとり
a lone scarecrow.お前も都会の雪景色の中で
In the city, in the center of its snowy landscape,丁度あの案山子の様に
You are exactly like that scarecrow.寂しい思いしてはいないか
You’re not thinking any lonesome thoughts, right?体をこわしてはいないか
You’re not tired or hurt anywhere, right?手紙が無理なら電話でもいい
If a letter is too much to ask for, then a telephone call is fine,「金頼む」の一言でもいい
Even just to ask for money.お前の笑顔を待ちわびる
We’re waiting impatiently to see your smiling face,おふくろに聴かせてやってくれ
to let your mother hear your voice.元気でいるか
How are you doing?街には慣れたか
Have you gotten used to the town yet?友達出来たか
Have you made friends?寂しかないか
You’re not lonely right?お金はあるか
Do you have money?今度いつ帰る
When are you coming back home?寂しかないか
You’re not lonely right?お金はあるか
Do you have money?今度いつ帰る
When are you coming back home?No word list
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