I have something to tell you胸に抱えたこの想いを
A feeling that I've kept in my heartうまく言葉にできないけど
Though I can't put it in words properlyどうか聞いて欲しい
I hope that you can listen to thisいつの間にか 夜も眠れないぐらい 君を想ってた
I don't know when it started, I've been thinking of you, so much that I can't sleep at night眠ったって 夢の中で探すくらい 想いが募ってた
Even if I fall asleep, I'll be searching in my dreams, as these feelings grow君に全部伝えたら この関係壊れちゃいそうで
If I were to convey these feelings to you, I fear our relationship will be ruinedでも友達のままじゃ辛くて だから全部伝えたくて
But it's too painful to remain as friends, that's why I'll tell you everythingいざ君の目の前に立つと 勇気が臆病風に吹かれ
Though I stood before you once, I lost my courage散々予習したフレーズ 胸から溢れ出して忘れる
The phrase I rehearsed, I forgot it even as it overflowed from my heart熱くなる鼓動が痛いぐらい ホントに僕らしくない
The pulsing heartbeat hurts; this isn't how I usually amもうカッコ悪くてもいいや とにかく 君に聞いて欲しいんだ
Even if I'm no longer cool, I just want you to listen to this大好きだ 大好きなんだ
I like you, I really doそれ以上の言葉を もっと上手に届けたいけど
I want to tell you so much moreどうしようもなく 溢れ出す想いを伝えると
Feelings that can't help but overflowやっぱ大好きしか出てこない
It all comes out as "I like you"ただそれだけで でもそれがすべて
Even though that's all, that's everythingはじめて会ったのは So 晴れた日で 一日中暑い日だった
The day when we first met, it was sunnyそれは僕と君とが出会えた日で 突然の恋が始まった
That's how we met, and I suddenly fell in love顔もスタイルもすごくタイプ 直球ど真ん中ストライク
Your face and your style, hit me as straight as a strike君の笑顔は自由だった そんな君に夢中だった
Your smiling face was freedom, that was how you were in my dreamsそれから毎日電話で長話し でも緊張してまたからまわり
And then we'll chat long hours on the phone, but I'd be so nervous, it's fruitlessだれにも負けないデッカイ愛 そんな気持ちに気付いているかい?
It's a love that will lose to no one; do you notice my feelings?抑え切れない 想いが増した から勇気を出して一か八か
It can't be suppressed, it's overflowing That's why, I've gathered my courage飾らない気持ちを持って今 君に伝えたいことがあるんだ
Without any pretences, I want to convey my feelings to you大好きだ 大好きなんだ
I like you, I really doそれ以上の言葉を もっと上手に届けたいけど
I want to tell you so much moreどうしようもなく 溢れ出す想いを伝えると
Feelings that can't help but overflowやっぱ大好きしか出てこない
It all comes out as "I like you"本当は 恐くて不安もあるけど
Actually, I was uncertain and afraid君のこと 君の夢 守れるように
In order to protect you and your dreamsもっと強くなると約束して
I swore to become stronger今すぐに まっすぐに 君の街へ 君の元へ
From now on, I'll head towards your town, towards you大好きだ 大好きなんだ
I like you, I really doそれ以上の言葉を もっと上手に届けたいけど
I want to tell you so much moreどうしようもなく 溢れ出す想いを伝えると
Feelings that can't help but overflowやっぱ大好きしか出てこない
It all comes out as "I like you"ただそれだけで でもそれがすべて
Even though that's all, it's everything君に伝えたいことがある
I have something to tell you胸に抱えたこの想いを
A feeling that I've kept in my heartうまく言葉にできないけど
Though I can't put it in words properlyどうか聞いて欲しい
I hope that you can listen to thisNo word list
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