if I had known that it would turn out like this出会う前にわかってたら
before I met youもう少しだけしゃんとした僕を
I would have given a見せれたはずなんだ
better first impressionどうしたらいいのかんなて
I know what I'm supposed but頭ではわかってるけど
although in my head I know that何気ないちょっとした言葉で
a casual little word from youwoo
makes me smileこんなバレバレじゃ格好悪いな
if I'm so obvious I won't be coolけどこのままじゃ 引き下がれないよな
but I can't back down right nowでもいざ向かうと照れくさくて
but I'm too shy in front of youあなたのことが好きだなんて言えないんです
oh I love you so much but I can't tell youこの気持ち伝わるかな
will these feelings ever reach you?浮き足立って空回り
floating up and idling何も言えずまたサヨナラ
before I can tell you anything, we say goodbyeあなたのことが好きすぎてたまらないんです
oh I love you so much that I can't hold it back明日こそは言えるかな
maybe I can tell you tomorrowあなたも僕に同じように
imagine if you and I were in love恋してたら
just kiddingなんて考えちゃうんだ
what am I thinking?♫~~
the number of days we can't meet accumulatesこのままじゃよろしくない
if this goes on, it won't be good会ったところで何ができるって
even if we meet it's not likeわけじゃないんだけど
I can do anything anywayこんな恋は二度とないな
never again will I experience a love like this頭ではわかっているけど
although in my head I know that眩しすぎるその笑顔が
that smile that's too brightwoo
give me rushずっと見ていたくなるような
as if I want to stare at you forever目をそらしたくなてしまうような
as if I want to turn my eyes away fromこんな気持ちわかるのかな
I wonder if you understand this feelingあなたが笑ってるならそれでいいんです
as long as you keep smiling, I'll be fineでも隣は僕がいいなあ
but it'll be nice if I was standing next to youもしかしたら実はずっと
could it be that actually all this time気づいてるんじゃないかな
you were aware of what I feltあなたのことが好きすぎてたまらないんです
oh I love you so much I can't hold it back明日こそは言えるかな
maybe I can tell you tomorrowすべてをひっくり返すくらいの
a pick-up line that changes everything粋なセリフは 言えそうにないが
I don't think I'll be able to say it♫~~
What shall I do with these feelings抑えられそうにはないんだ
I don't feel like suppressing themあなたと出会ったあの日から
ever since the day I met youずっと気持ちは変わらないけど
my feelings haven't change but♫~~
oh I love you so much but I can't tell youこの気持ち伝わるかな
will these feelings ever reach you浮き足立って空回り
floating up and idling何も言えずまたサヨナラ
before I can tell you anything, we say goodbyeあなたのことが好きすぎてたまらないんです
I love you so much that I can't hold it back明日こそは言いたいな
I really wanna tell you tomorrowあなたも僕に同じように
imagine if you and I were in love恋してたらなんて考えてる
just kidding, what am I thinking?♫~~
but I know考えすぎってこと
I'm getting ahead of myself♫~~
♫~~No word list
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