I miss you,あと何度でも
no matter how many times,永遠はあると信じたくて
I still want to believe the existence of eternityでも ぬくもりがいつか無くなり
But I know one day, warmth would disappear思い出に変わる日が来るの
And the day when it turns into memory would comeきみが笑う
Every times you smile,そのたびにやさしくなれる
You'd become so kindたしかに いま感じる
Surely, I can feel it nowそっと抱きしめ
Gently, I'd hug you closeいまを刻んで
And engrave this moment in my heart夢みた世界に
I'd lead your wayきみを連れ出す
To the world of your dream悲しみに包まれるときは
I believe, every times, we're engulfed by sorrowきっと 思い出す
We'd recall againなにげない いまを
About our casual moments季節はめぐり
Seasons keep cyclingあの日にはもう
Just by think,二度と戻れないと思うだけで
That I couldn't return to that day anymoreこの一瞬が とても儚く
I felt this momentとても愛おしく感じるの
Is ephemeral yet so lovely失うこと
Every times I lost something,目を逸らしたくなるけれど
Make me just want to avert my eyes from the truthたしかに いま感じる
But now, certainly, I feel like thisさよならの唄
Whenever I singうたうときには
A farewell song,とびきりの笑顔でいたいよ
I want to keep my best smileそんなこと考えていたら
Because I thought that kind of thingきみが また笑った
You laughed again,涙こぼれる
And my tears were spillingそっと抱きしめ
Gently, I'd hug you closeいまを刻んで
And engrave this moment in my heart夢みた世界に
I'd lead your wayきみを連れ出す
To the world of your dreamいつまでもずっと
Forever and ever色褪せないように
May this feeling never lose its colors伝えたい
RIght now, I want to convey to youいま ありがとう
Thank you, dearNo word list
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