I look up at the morning sky今日という一日が
On a day like today笑顔でいられるように
I quietly wishそっとお願いした
That I can smile today時には雨も降って
Sometimes the rain falls涙も溢れるけど
And tears streams down my face, but思い通りにならない日は
On days when things don't go as planned明日 頑張ろう
Let's try harder tomorrowずっと見てる夢は
In the dream that I've always had私がもう一人いて
I am a personやりたいこと 好きなように
Who is free to love what I want to do自由にできる夢
That's my dream人生は紙飛行機
Life is a paper airplane願い乗せて飛んで行くよ
Carrying my wishes and soaring to the sky風の中を力の限り
With all its strengthただ進むだけ
It will keep flying even in the windその距離を競うより
Rather than competing for distanceどう飛んだか どこを飛んだのか
How your plane flies and where it flies toそれが一番 大切なんだ
Those are the most important thingsさあ 心のままに
And they will always stay in my heart365日
365 days星はいくつ見えるか
Is it a night when I can see so many stars何も見えない夜か
Or is it a night when I can't see nothing at all?元気が出ない そんな時は
I have no energy and at time like that誰かと話そう
I'll talk to someone人は思うよりも
Human aren't一人ぼっちじゃないんだ
Alone as they think they areすぐそばのやさしさに
They are just unable to notice right away気づかずにいるだけ
The kindness around them人生は紙飛行機
Life is a paper airplane愛を乗せて飛んでいるよ
Carrying love and soaring to the sky自信持って広げる羽根を
These wings are spread wide with confidenceみんなが見上げる
And everyone looks up to see折り方を知らなくても
Even if you don't know how to fold oneいつのまにか飛ばせるようになる
Before you know you'll be able to fly itそれが希望 推進力だ
That's hope and motivationああ 楽しくやろう
Aa, let's have fun365日
365 days人生は紙飛行機
Life is a paper airplane願い乗せて飛んで行くよ
Carrying my wishes and soaring to the sky風の中を力の限り
With all its strengthただ進むだけ
It will keep flying even in the windその距離を競うより
Rather than competing over distanceどう飛んだか どこを飛んだのか
How your plane flies and where it flies toそれが一番 大切なんだ
Those are the most important thingsさあ 心のままに
They will always stay in my heart365日
365 days飛んで行け!
Fly away!飛んでみよう!
Just fly!飛んで行け!
Fly away!飛んでみよう!
Just fly!飛んで行け!
Fly away!飛んでみよう!
Just fly!No word list
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