Up to now, we're still alright, we can laugh like this迷子になったって月明かりを探せる
I search for the moonlight that got lost勝ち負けじゃないでしょなんて
Just I might be in victory or losing慰めにくるまったって
I'm wrapping myself in comfort悔しさがはだけて
I'm exposing my regretfulness黒星だけで埋まりそうなスコア越しに それでもまだ淡い夢を見てる
Only the score that was buried but not defeat but I have seen that in my pale dream相当恰好悪い現状の僕らは 自虐ネタばかりだけど
We deserved these bad current situations we have cause there's nothing else but only bad jokes for ourselfそれを声を上げて笑い飛ばしあえる
I dress and rise my loud voice with laughterくだらないそのやりとりが なんだか 誇らしいよ
That argument back and forth is worthless but somewhat I'm proud to be arrogant★大丈夫僕らまだこんなに笑える
★Up to now, we're still alright, we can laugh like this迷子になったって月明かりを探せる
I search for the moonlight that got lost大丈夫僕ら無くしたものより眩しい
For people who lost their dazzling light, we're alright宝物が現在にある事を知ってる]
we now know the most important treasure is大丈夫僕ら 大丈夫僕ら
We're alight崖っぷちと思ってたけど
Just my thoughts are piling up本当は此処は谷底で もう登るしかないよな
but the truth, is at the bottom of this valleyみじめさを取り繕って 自己弁護をするよりもっと
It's no longer here and only misery more than self-defense are in yourselfタフに開き直ろう
Let's be tough even if we're aloneそれあるならはじめっからだしてよみたいな
Let's begin from here, Let's put out what you like文句をもうすぐ言わせるよ
there will be complains but僕は必殺技を出し惜しみするヒーロー
let's stint on, I want to be mortal hero大風呂敷を翻しカウンターパンチを狙うよ
Let's aim for that counter-punch and flutters it with this large wrapping cloth大丈夫僕らまた笑って出逢える
We're alright, we can still smile and meetやけに綺麗な月明かりのせいかな
I wonder if it's awful to blame this beautiful moonlight大丈夫僕ら なんだかそう思えてくる
We're alright, our thoughts for this night is too strongこんな夜が僕らを強くさせてゆく
I'll put those thought in me and we're gonna be stronger何気ない会話のはしにこめた エールを互いに今送りあう
Let's have conversation What else should I send for each of us?僕らのマイナス掛け合わせて プラスに変えてゆけば (We gonna be arlight!)
Let's turn minus into plus(We gonna be arlight!)★大丈夫僕らまだこんなに笑える
★Up to now, we're still alright, we can laugh like this迷子になったって月明かりを探せる
I search for the moonlight that got lost大丈夫僕ら無くしたものより眩しい
For people who lost their dazzling light, we're alright宝物が現在にある事を知ってる]
we now know the most important treasure is大丈夫僕ら 大丈夫僕ら
We're alightNo word list
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